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Month: February 2012
I Miss My Monkees!
You know how when you’re sick, sad news is even more depressing? I’m still combating my cold, and to find out that adorable Davy Jones of the Monkees has died seems devastating. The Monkees were such a great pop band. Even though they were a manufactured act brought together for a television show, they produced some fantastic…
Icky Sicky
Sorry I haven’t posted in a few days. Caught a bad cold. On the road to recovery. Will post tomorrow.
NYC MEN – Performers, Reality Stars, Escorts!
Which members of the male species did I spy this week?
Kraftwerk, So Close and Yet So Far
I spent a frustrating amount of time yesterday waiting in an online queue to buy tickets to see Kraftwerk perform at the Museum of Modern Art. Apparently the demand was so great that the ticketing service was overwhelmed, and now the company’s CEO has apologized for the mess. Even though Kraftwerk is performing eight nights in…
Political Art is the Best
Great exhibit of work from the 1980s and ’90s by the AIDS activism arts collective Gran Fury at NYU’s 80WSE Gallery. Most of it was street art. You’d be walking along and all of a sudden—Pow!—you’d be confronted with these incredibly forceful images and text. I remember.