Her Name was Queerdonna

Took a trip down memory lane yesterday when I met for a tea-time chat with long-time nightlife promoter Chip Duckett.

Among the topics: Queerdonna, the obese Madonna-obsessed impersonator who Chip used to hire quite frequently in the mid-1990s.  Talk about a novelty act!

Queerdonna, who was really a young Greek-American guy from Queens, eventually faded from the scene and died in 2000, with some news accounts reporting her weight at over 500 pounds.

I got to know her a little when she and I and some other New York queens were flown to Toronto to be part of a daytime talk show.

Her exposed titties causes quit a stir with the audience.

After the filming, some of us went out to eat, and I remember she picked up the check.  That was nice of her.


8 responses to “Her Name was Queerdonna”

  1. BigBill

    Queerdonna went out with my ex-bf Peter , She had the stomach bypass but unbeknownest to the doctors a mass under her folds lead to infections and killed her, The happy ending came for her family , when she won the lawsuit with the Airline that booted her of a flight because of her weight, it was close to a Million. RIP Q

    1. Queerdonna did not win a Million. From many sources, it was around $25K. I knew him for quite a few years. Here’s our pics… http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bKi2NZlQyqc

  2. Mark

    I have very fond memories of Queerdonna! Saw her perform at lots of events, early 90’s very unforgetable! I remember he was also in a documentary about paparazzi called “Blast ’em!” that showed at Film Forumn. In it he was walking through part of Central Park (out of drag) showing what trail Madonna took when she jogged from her CPW apartment building.

  3. Katrina Von Husen

    She was a he and He didn’t appreciated when people thought of him as a transvesite. He wasn’t a cross dreser but a female inmpersinator. He is also definately not Greek! He was Armenian Arab American for your information.

  4. Hannah Han

    Queerdonna will be forever missed! I knew him as Greg Gostanian from Forest Hills, Queens, NY. We met through when he was a mega Madonna obsessed Fan and Papparazzi. I never forget the nights we had a great time at Limelight thru Palladium.
    We were best of friends and the worst. i unfortunatly didnt see him dead but he still is in my heart. I love you Greg and if he was alive today i believe he will be an successful actor like Philip Seymore Hoffman and Nathan Lane. He was studying to be an actor in chelsea and hb studios. Miss you darling you will be always be in my heart. Love You, Hannah

  5. judi

    i miss you, greggy…

  6. Pierre

    I was friends with Greg as a kid when he lived in Manhasset. We went to St Mary’s Elementary School and often rode the bus together. He was indeed an avid Madonna fan since he was in middle school. His room was decorated in her posters and clippings, and he was always listening to her on his Sony Walkman. He was also quite good at finding Madonna wherever she may be — he was a young paparazzi.

    If memory serves me, he grew up in Lebanon and he had many stories of the war there and how it impacted his family. When he moved to Queens, I kept in touch with him on and off, but we were always friends. I was lucky enough to accidentally run across some of his appearances on TV way back when. Myself and my family were very sorry to hear he passed away. His family were very nice people. God bless you, Greg. You were an individual, and you made the world a more interesting place.

  7. Brendan

    Got to know when Greg when he moved to Chicago, I even typed his autobiography, which he paid for in original Madonna photographs he had taken, which I still have and treasure.

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