Weekend Update

I was near Barney’s on Saturday so I dropped by Lady Gaga’s pop-up “workshop.”

Great pop-art decor designed by Assume Vivid Astro Focus.



Some of the merchandise is kinda cute but super overpriced, like a GaGa coloring book for $60.  No thanks.



From there I came upon this sculpture at the entrance of Central Park.  It’s called “Tornado” but I think it looks like a bunch of black penises!



On Saturday night I attended the Bowie Ball, which was super lame.  But it gave me an excuse to color my hair.  Move over Katy Perry!

With Sylvia London


Next stop was Hell’s Kitchen newest bar Fairytail Lounge, which is having a soft opening this week.  With a name like that I was hoping for something outrageously flamboyant and a campy alternative to all the local bland bars.  Alas, it’s just kind of tacky lite…


With one of the mannequin tables. He was playing hard to get.


Everywhere I look is something to amuse me!



One response to “Weekend Update”

  1. Adam

    those sculptures don’t look like black pensises, although they are actually the size of real black pensises…so i’ve heard!

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