Category: My Life

  • Kembra On Display

    Always fascinating Kembra Pfhaler of the theatrical rock band The Voluptuous Horror of Karen Black is on display starting tomorrow at NYC’s Hole Gallery. The photographic works, a collaboration between Pfhaler and artist E.V. Day, were shot in the famous French gardens built and immortalized by painter Claude Monet. For the exhibit, the Hole will be transformed…

  • Madonna Vs. Giant Rodent

    Did you hear about the Madonna/Molly/Mouse “controversy?” This past weekend in Miami, Madonna, who’s pimping her new album MDNA,  appeared on stage at the Ultra electronic music festival and asked the crowd, “How many people have seen Molly?” (TMZ has the video.)     Molly is slang for the drug Ecstasy!  Well, Madonna’s antics did…

  • Horny Glow

    From Towleroad: Rhinestone-Encrusted Rhino to Mark Birmingham, UK’s Gay Village I love it!  Reminds me of the Bingo prizes I give away!  

  • Black Day, Golden Night

    I spent yesterday afternoon at Roseland Ballroom, checking out the wares at the sex-themed Black Party Expo.  (Thanks for the invite, Bill!) But I skipped the infamous Black Party itself.  (In fact, I’ve never attended.  Someday I’ll go… Maybe.) Instead, I hosted the annual “We Love The Golden Girls” party at Stonewall Bar.  This was my third…

  • Justin Vivian Bond Mad At Mainstream Press—Again!

    Spring is in the air—time for another throw-down between performer Justin Vivian Bond and the media! Last May, holding the #1 position on Bond’s shit list was writer Carl Swenson, after his six-page profile of Bond was published in New York Magazine.  It was the kind of extensive coverage that most downtown performers dream of, but…

  • Pix from WestGay!

    I stumbled home very late last night from my guest hosting job at the new party WestGay.  The location is the WestWay club, which used to be an adult-entertainment complex and still features the same great dark and naughty atmosphere. Lots of the pix by Tim McNerney!                   More…