Category: My Life

  • Why the Blogging Pause? I Was Busy Making Art!

    After dissing Times Square (see my last post), I used it as the site of my 1/1/12 performance art piece, “Sea of Light!” The multi-media, multi-perspective spectacle didn’t go exactly according to plan… but sometimes art can be a bit messy! Overall, I felt it was pretty successful.  There’s a video soon to come, I’ll elaborate then.  …

  • How Dare I Slam the Square!

    Living just a block away from Times Square, I’ve become accustomed to swarms of tourists hogging the sidewalks.  But around this time of year the sheer number of out-of-towners makes me want to pull out a bazooka and gun ’em all down.  The Americans are overly enthusiastic and horribly dressed, the Europeans are fussy and…

  • Old Gray Lady Adores Old Blond Lady!

    I knew a New York Times review was coming for Lady Bunny’s cabaret show, That Ain’t No Lady. Last week I pitched in by working the box office, when the guests included one of the paper’s theatre critics, David Rooney. Well, his review is out and it’s a rave—the sort of high-falutin’ praise that every entertainer longs…

  • My Manhunt Account

    A photo that I shot and posted on Facebook yesterday—of a new Manhunt billboard in Times Square—sparked an article today on  (Writer Dan Avery first had to contact me to make sure I hadn’t photo-shopped the image!) Quite a few Queerty readers have commented.  Some say the billboard is great for gay visibility, while others…