Category: My Life

  • Candy Monster

    Candy Magazine’s bash at the landmark gay bar The Monster was a scene! One of those nights where I wish I’d taken way more pix.  But I was too busy socializing! [caption id="attachment_4430" align="aligncenter" width="350" caption="With Candy creator Luis Venegas"][/caption]   Who do you recognize?  

  • Jolly Saint Nicks

    Look at these incredible holiday prizes I just got! More BINGO details at Facebook.

  • My Counterfeit

    Photographer Michael Wakefield just alerted me that has appropriated an old issue of My Comrade magazine (founded by moi, Michael took the cover image). Am I mad?  No.  Patricia Field Boutique was a huge supporter of My Comrade.  I consider the ad a tribute.          

  • Globalization

    I love meeting people from foreign lands, especially if they’re sexy. For instance, last night. A Panamanian tourist visiting NYC for the very first time.

  • Dream Job

    This Tokyo gal has it made.   Her job is to lie around in a glass display case looking sexy for bar customers. I wonder if a bar in New York would carve me a box… with tinted glass… very tinted. But unlike Miss Toyko, I will not be topless!

  • Home Sweet Sunken Home

    An interesting new art installation has taken over an empty lot at Eighth Avenue and 46th Street, just a block away from where I live. “Desert Rooftops” by artist David Brooks “employs an absurd abundance of asphalt-shingled rooftops to create a vision of an overdeveloped monoculture – one that is picturesque, familiar and simultaneously foreboding.”    …