Category: My Life

  • Behind the Scenes at SPANK / LIVE!

    Behind the Scenes at SPANK / LIVE!

    Backstage at SPANK / LIVE last night was quite the scene.  Fashion!  Glamour!  Showbiz intrigue! 

  • SSION!  Rhymes with Fun!

    SSION! Rhymes with Fun!

    You’ve probably heard, the whole town is buzzing, that I’m hosting the SPANK / LIVE party this Saturday in Brooklyn! It’s certainly an enticing performance line-up, including the queer punk/performance/art band SSION (pronounced “Shun”) from Kansas City, with flamboyant front man Cody Critcheloe.

  • Guess What I’m Gonna Be for Halloween

    Guess What I’m Gonna Be for Halloween

    No, the devil horns do not mean I’m going as Michele Bachmann! I’m simply going as a devilish vixen, which is something I’ve done before but the result was not fantastic.  Time to improve! Since Halloween always means lots of tromping around I’m praying (to Satan) that my new heels aren’t killers.

  • What a Mess!  Lady Bunny Debuts New Show!

    What a Mess! Lady Bunny Debuts New Show!

    I didn’t want to start promoting Lady Bunny’s new show, That Ain’t No Lady, at La Escuelita nightclub before I could see it for myself.  I only recommend superior products! So what’s the verdict?  Was I delighted by last night’s debut, which Bunny referred to as a “mess rehearsal?”  Yes, precisely because it was so…

  • Lip Lapse

    Lip Lapse

    The restaurant is called Lips, yet I neglected my lips for the drag restaurant’s 15-year anniversary bash! Why the heck did I choose a soft color lipstick? Not a good idea!

  • Long Lasting Lips!

    Long Lasting Lips!

    Tonight I’m attending an ultra queeny affair—the 15-year anniversary of the drag-themed restaurant Lips. When Lips opened, I remember it was dismissed by the hip drag contingent as being rather cornball and old school.  Guess who got the last laugh?