Category: My Life

  • Gay Marriage in 1988!  In My Comrade Magazine!

    Gay Marriage in 1988! In My Comrade Magazine!

    Way back in 1988, gay marriage was considered so unbelievable and unattainable, that it was a fantasy story-line in the underground magazine that I used to publish, My Comrade. Little did we realize that 23 years later(!), same-sex weddings would become legal in New York. The images are fuzzy Xeroxes, but obviously still quite relevant!

  • Farewell Castle Club!

    Farewell Castle Club!

    My latest theatrical endeavor, The Emperor’s New Codpiece (set a gay Medieval nightclub) has come to a close. After a fantastic six-week run, I’m definitely ready to tackle other stuff in my life.  But boy, oh boy, am I going to miss my cast mates. We all got along fabulously—on and off-stage.

  • Friends With Benefits

    Friends With Benefits

    Wow, at each performance of my summer play, The Emperor’s New Codpiece (final show is next week!), I’m reminded of how many wonderfully supportive people I have in my life. It’s such a delight to see so many incredible friends from my past and present…  I truly am a very lucky gal.  

  • Hanging With The Housewives

    Hanging With The Housewives

    Guess who showed up at Rapture, the mammoth lesbian Pride party I hosted this past weekend… Alex McCord and hubby Simon Van Kempen from The Housewives of New York! I found them perfectly delightful—down-to-earth, jokey and very happy to be at the event.

  • Thespian Lesbian

    Thespian Lesbian

    Tonight, it’s another performance of my new play, The Emperor’s New Codpiece. Tomorrow, I’m hosting “Rapture by the River,” a mega Pride party for lesbian, bisexual, transgender, and queer-identified women (and their friends, of course). I’m the first drag queen ever to host the annual event!  What an honor!

  • Post Performance Glow

    Post Performance Glow

    Some actors prefer to retire to their dressing rooms after a vigorous performance. Not me!  I like mixing and mingling—and posing like a cardboard cut-out figure with dear audience members! My new play, The Emperor’s New Codpiece, continues through July 15.