Category: My Life

  • Artistic License!

    Artistic License!

    Nowadays, virtually all pop stars steal borrow from other artists.  Just ask thieves borrowers Gaga, Beyonce and Rhianna. It’s very post-modern And since I’m a with-it kind of gal, I stole borrowed the invite design for my new play!

  • I Was A Model For David LaChapelle!  In New Jersey!

    I Was A Model For David LaChapelle! In New Jersey!

    According to today’s NY Times, David LaChapelle has put his super successful commercial photography career to rest—which makes his 1994 photo of me all the more valuable! Actually, the photo isn’t of me alone.   The shoot for Details Magazine was of the indie band Jawbox, but my role as a shocked suburban shopper was vital!

  • My Latest Theatrical Venture!

    My Latest Theatrical Venture!

    Drum roll please!  In exactly two weeks, it’s the debut of my new play! It’s been a whirlwind creative process—It was only back in March when I was offered the chance to mount something.  But having a writing deadline has been fabulous discipline!  (Although my blog has suffered.) And what has my diligent labor produced?…

  • Rapture a Bust, Time To Blog Again!

    Rapture a Bust, Time To Blog Again!

    Been away from my blog! When I heard about the Rapture coming, I thought what’s the use of blogging?  Also, I stopped bathing and brushing my teeth. But now that Earth ain’t ending quite yet, I’m back to being productive—and smelling good! Do you like my “End is Near” image?  It’s the invite for my…

  • Love Me For My Brain!

    Love Me For My Brain!

    Yay,  I’m in an upcoming variety show—”Glamour Ball!” The format features a combo of burlesque stars and drag queens. While I’m sure everyone would love to see me strip—ahem—I’m going to stick to comedy.

  • Clash of Gay Civilizations—Rome vs. Greece

    Clash of Gay Civilizations—Rome vs. Greece

    For pop star Kylie Minogue, ancient Greece rules.  But at the Slurp parties I used to throw at the Cock, twas Ancient Rome! Last night as I gazed upon Kylie’s trés gay concert spectacle “Aphrodite Live” (Thanks for tickets, Aimee!),  I was dazzled by the big-budget effects. Our Satyricum parties, both of them, were a…