Category: My Life

  • Gee Whiz, This Former Porn Palace Looks Familiar

    Gee Whiz, This Former Porn Palace Looks Familiar

    As long as I’ve been writing about old Times Square lately… This past weekend I caught The Ultimate Drag Off, a weekly pageant fabulously hosted by my pal Sweetie at the Times Square Arts Center. Hoo-boy, if those Arts Center walls could talk!  The space used to be the porn palace Show World.  And I…

  • The In Crowd!

    The In Crowd!

    I’m thrilled to report that Dippity-Do-Drag was a gay old time!  Good nutty fun was had by all! Please do it again, begged the crowd.  And you know what, I just might. But I think I’d format the night a little different…

  • Tonight!


    Today’s the day for pop-up happy-hour party DIPPITY-DO-DRAG! I’m producing and hosting! Just look at this line-up of non-stop entertainment!

  • Go-Go Look Alike

    Go-Go Look Alike

    I had a blast last night sharing my prose at the Pitch reading series organized by comedian Greg Walloch and writer Mark Allen, who looks as fresh-faced and cute as when he was a ruling NYC go-go boy back in the day! Seeing him in person reminded me of how much he resembles current go-go…

  • Busy Linda!

    Busy Linda!

    Had a fantastic time with good old Mom in town, but now I gotta get cracking! Tomorrow I’m reading some of my fiction at the Pitch reading series. Then on Friday, I’m throwing Dippity-Do-Drag, a pop-up happy hour party! Good Lord, I’ve also got jury duty this week.  Mommy, help me!

  • Queeny!  On Broadway!

    Queeny! On Broadway!

    My musical loving mom is in town.  So last night we went to the Broadway production of Priscilla Queen of the Desert (in previews before opening on March 20th), based on the 1994 Australian film. Girlfriend, talk about a super faggy show!