Category: My Life

  • Hat-Tastic!


    My guest-hosting gig last night at Family Function (at Woody’s) was quite the social affair.  Lots of yakking with friends old and new. Promoter Ladyfag made herself easy to spot across the crowded bar by donning a stunning chapeau.

  • Fishy Taylor Mac Serves Face!

    Fishy Taylor Mac Serves Face!

    Who’s the chick on the cover of the new issue of Next, the NYC gay nightlife magazine? OMG!  It’s postmodern drag queen Taylor Mac, who normally serves surrealism.

  • Sultana, Songstress Queen of the Arabian Desert

    Sultana, Songstress Queen of the Arabian Desert

    Sultana, truly one of New York’s most unique drag queens, alerted me to her new video for her original song, “No Show Lover.”  It was shot outside—in the Jordanian desert!—during one of her recent trips to the Middle East to visit relatives.  Her suitcase was filled to the brim with wardrobe changes!

  • Triumphant Return

    Triumphant Return

    Finally, finally, finally, after a four-day blizzard delay, I returned this afternoon from the hetero heartland. As a welcome home gesture, the New York Times featured me in today’s Style section!   The article, by Eric Wilson, is advice from “performers of the night” about what to wear on New Year’s Eve.  

  • Break Time

    I’m traveling to MinneSNOWta (Ha Ha), land of my birth, on a friends-and-family tour.  I’ll write when I return.  In the meanwhile, HO HO HO!!!!!

  • Weekend Update

    Weekend Update

    The social holiday whirl continues… FRIDAY – My faithful friend Bertha and I attended Boylesque, a theatrical spoof of the new movie Burlesque, written by and starring drag performer Mimi Imfurst (as Cher). Sharing our table were gossip guy Michael Musto and his BFF fashion writer Lynn Yaeger, both of whom were startled and tongue-tied…