Category: My Life

  • Linda Imfurst?

    Some great press mentions for BINGO-GO!  (This Friday, May 4th!) I’ll add them later to my cyber scrapbook.  Right now I gotta million other things to do to get ready! From Gay Letter:   From Next Magazine:   And in a funny mix-up, the listing for the The Village Voice uses a photo of Mimi Imfurst and Candi Shell! …

  • Sharon Needle’s Victory Performance!

    As I entered XL nightclub last night for the official wowie-zowie party for the final episode of RuPaul’s Drag Race, there she was!   Performing on stage!  Sharon Needles, the brand-new winner!     After a spirited lipsynch of Marilyn Manson’s “Beautiful People,” Sharon, clad in an American flag, got all Gaga-ish with some “proclamations” about how…

  • The Couple That Strips Together…

    This past weekend I attended both nights of the first ever New York Boylesque Festival. Lots of male flesh imaginatively displayed!   Among the performers who I enjoyed seeing for the first time was The Evil Hate Monkey.     In an amazing coincidence, Monkey’s main squeeze is burlesque performer Trixie Little, who just so happens to be…

  • Tweet, Sarah, Tweet!

    I can’t say I’m enamored with Twitter, but I do love reading the tweets of a few people. At the top of my list is comedian Sarah Silverman, who is hilarious.  I love her ridiculous take on the world.             You can check my own scintillating tweets at  

  • Blog-Go!

    One of the downfalls of having a blog is the guilt that comes when you don’t write for a few days. So I’m feeling guilty. Someday I’m going to make my blog the center of my entire life and write faithfully every day, hour, minute. But recently I haven’t found the time!  Everyday there’s so much to prepare…