This past weekend I attended both nights of the first ever New York Boylesque Festival.

Lots of male flesh imaginatively displayed!   Among the performers who I enjoyed seeing for the first time was The Evil Hate Monkey.



In an amazing coincidence, Monkey’s main squeeze is burlesque performer Trixie Little, who just so happens to be performing at my special show this coming Friday, May 4th—BINGO-GO!



Both members of the fun-loving couple are  totally committed to their art!





The couple hails from Baltimore, renown for its appealing eccentrics.   Nowadays they reside in New York!


One of the downfalls of having a blog is the guilt that comes when you don’t write for a few days.

So I’m feeling guilty.

Someday I’m going to make my blog the center of my entire life and write faithfully every day, hour, minute.

But recently I haven’t found the time!  Everyday there’s so much to prepare for my upcoming special show, BINGO-GO!, on Friday, May 4th.

I’m basically doing all the work myself—Just like every other show I’ve produced for the past 20 years.  And I must say it’s rather exhausting.  Shouldn’t I have a team of assistants by now?

I need to me more profeshunal, proffeshinol, professional.

Oh well, I bit off a big project and now I gotta chew it!

I will say that I am enjoying creating a game show.  It’s such an interesting process because I really have to be ready for all sorts of outcomes.  The formula has to be just right or the whole game could blow up in my face!

And then I’d never be able to write in my blog again…