I could definitely relate to today’s New York’s Times article about Hasidic Jews having to cope with summer heat while wearing uncomfortable garb.

Hot looks for summer!

According to the article: “Hasidic men wear dark three-piece suits crowned by black hats made of rabbit fur, and Hasidic women outfit themselves in long-sleeved blouses and nearly ankle-length skirts.”

As a drag queen, my appearance is a little more, uh, slutty—but I’m still stuck wearing tight undergarments, pantyhose, wigs and thickly applied makeup.  Just like the Hasids, I shvitz!

Hasids dress the way they do to honor God (whatever that means), I do it because I’m a masochist!  We’re all meshugeh!


It was the question on everyone’s lips at the EXHIBIT A Gay Pride party: What’s the story behind the fabulous performance troupe called Dollhaus?


Dollhaus members in their Mayan Prophecy look.


Well, let me explain.

Dollhaus, is the creation of my friend Natasha, who recruited some of her most flamboyant friends to appear with her on stage.


Natasha (who also in drag sometimes is known as Madison).


In “real life,” Natasha is known as Andrew Yang, who designs a high-fashion line of dolls, the Kouklitas, which are sold at Barney’s department stores.



Andrew likes manipulating dolls in his showroom.  Natasha likes manipulating dolls on stage!


Sacrifice of a virgin!


More photos of Dollhaus on my Facebook album.


Carmen Carrera, former sex-symbol contestant from RuPaul’s Drag Race, has put her drag days behind her.  Since having to sashay-away (fifth place, not bad), she’s transitioned into a foxy tranny with a pair of perky boobs to prove it.



Honey, she passes!  Fish for days!

But even bombshells encounter bumps in the road.  Ms. C is in a sour mood after last night’s episode of Cake Boss, a TLC reality show about a baker from Hoboken.  He’s got some guido cousin and Carmen was brought on board to flirt hot-and-heavy with him at a party, and then—get this—it was revealed that she’s really a he!  OMG, what a hilarious concept!



Carmen says that she was hoping to “promote equality” by appearing on the show, but she has taken to her Facebook page to angrily denounce how the reveal was done in an exploitative manner!  The show’s producers, she says, assured her that it would absolutely not be a “Jerry Springer” gotcha moment.  And to make matters even worse, the baker scoffingly referred to her as a “man!”

Some Internet commentators are arguing that Carmen should have know better to appear on a show that was bound to be insensitive.  It is reality TV after all.  But Ms. C has even started a petition demanding a public apology.

What do you think?  Is Carmen just a poor gal who’s been terribly wronged?