Who should I run into going home from Thanksgiving dinner last night?   A couple of young drag queens—on the subway!

The girls were quite tipsy, and the blond slurred that it was her first time in drag.  (New queens never have coats.)


Deep beneath the city streets...
Deep beneath the city streets…


I was little nervous for the duo because not everyone on the R train was appreciative of their loudmouth antics.  But the gals were oblivious, burp, burp.

In my own drag life, I think I’ve ridden the subway like four times.  But I want to start taking it more!  Taxi fares eat up so much of my income, and public transportation is often faster. 

Other queens have told me they take the subway, and it’s not awful.   Of course, I’d have to wear sunglasses because the lighting is terrible.  And I’ll need some comfy shoes—Wedge sneakers, perhaps?

If those newbie T-Day queens can do it, so can I!


Move over, Brooklyn Chamber of Commerce.  You’ve been replaced by a new crop of alternative drag queens from Bushwick, Bed-Stuy and other edgy ‘hoods who are eager to sing the the praises of their beloved borough.

Members of the thriving scene are profiled in a new ongoing series in the HuffingtonPost, and it is rah-rah-Brooklyn time!


The DQ known as Untitled Queen says:
“Brooklyn, particularly, now happens to be a hotbed for so many types of creative individuals and those hungry to both experience and create culture.” 



According to Merrie Cherry, founder of the Brooklyn Nightlife Awards (and who spokesmodels for me sometimes at my Bingo gigs):
“I love Brooklyn very much and hope to call it home for a very long time… There are so many creative and freaky people here and I just wanted them to be acknowledged.”



 Scarlet Envy says:
“The Brooklyn queer scene is a conglomeration of love and energy that is executed beautifully.”



And according to Amber Alert:
“…When you go out to see a drag show in Brooklyn, you are going to see something that you have never seen before and will never have the opportunity to see again…”



Sounds fabulous!  I’ve been complaining about Manhattan for years and I gotta check out this new and exotic scene.  I will alert my limo driver immediately.  Queeny Brooklyn, here I come!


Poor cocaine—Back in the 1970s, it was the jet set’s favorite party drug, white lines on silver trays.


Studio 54’s disco decor.


As the years went by, cocaine became saddled with an addictive and violent reputation that got even worse when crack entered the scene.

Now it’s best known fans are disgraced meatheads, like Toronto mayor Rob Ford and Republican congressman Trey Radel.


Party Animals!


If coke is your thing, more power to you.  As far as I’m concerned, it should be decriminalized, along with all other drugs.

But doing lines with Rob and Trey as they jabber away sounds like the ultimate downer!


My birthday was on Sunday, and I chose to spend it solo.

I’ve been busy lately and I needed some time to chill and be contemplative.  The only thing on my agenda was to attempt a new salad recipe.  I barely know how to cook, and expanding my capabilities seemed like a good idea for my special day.  Symbolic, don’t you know.

In the AM, I shopped for ingredients.  In the afternoon, I took the subway up to Central Park, entering at 103rd Street where the landscape is especially lovely.   The weather was misty and the fog hid the tops of the tall buildings facing the park. 


At the beautiful Garden Conservatory on 106th Street.


As I wandered, I was weepy as I reflected on life.  But it wasn’t depressing, it was a good release.

When I got home, I made the salad.  Not daunting, but it did take concentration.  And I succeeded—it was quite tasty!


Salad 1
I got the recipe from the New York Times.  Doesn’t it look complicated?


Later, I opened a bottle of wine, smoked  a little pot, and amused myself by aimlessly watched television. 

It was a good day.


I hope you can join me for the release party for my debut photo book, PAGES.
I wanted some place fancy—So I chose the Cock!
It’s a Happy Hour affair—Wednesday, November 13th, from 7 to 10pm.
The party, like the book, is an homage to Page.  (Or is it crass exploitation? You decide.)

After selling out at the NY Art Book Fair, PAGES is now available at stores.  See list below.


Invite - 600

Wednesday, Nov 13th – 7 to 10pm – The Cock, 29 Second Ave * No Cover // 2-for-1 Drinks



Artbook at PS1
Dashwood, 33 Bond St
Love Shine, 543 E 6th St 
McNally Jackson, 52 Prince St
Printed Matter, 195 Tenth Ave
St Mark’s Bookshop, 31 Third Ave

More Stores to Come!

Mail-order copies available at Peradam