Like all great actresses, I’ve got some signature dramatic expressions.

For instance, my incredible cry of mixed emotions!

Ecstasy, pain, lust, repulsion, etc.—all conveyed in one amazing  facial contortion!


It’s a look that’s served me well over the years…

Flyer for my 1997 play, The Tranny Chase


Promotional photo for my upcoming play, The Emperor’s New Codpiece


(I’m pictured with sexy cast member Buenaventura Rodriguez.  Photo by Adam Gardiner.)


Online ticketing.


Nowadays, virtually all pop stars steal borrow from other artists.  Just ask thieves borrowers Gaga, Beyonce and Rhianna.

It’s very post-modern

And since I’m a with-it kind of gal, I stole borrowed the invite design for my new play!


First came this 1987 movie with Sid Ceasar…


Followed by my 2011 play (premieres June 10th)!


Design by Michael Magnan.


Online ticketing.

Box office:  212-352-3101

According to today’s NY Times, David LaChapelle has put his super successful commercial photography career to rest—which makes his 1994 photo of me all the more valuable!

Actually, the photo isn’t of me alone.   The shoot for Details Magazine was of the indie band Jawbox, but my role as a shocked suburban shopper was vital!



Our location was a New Jersey supermarket.  Right behind me is NYC nightlife personality Cynthia Powell.



True story: After seeing my photo, a jeans company requested that I come in and audition for an ad campaign that David was shooting.  They were looking for a wacky character, but it wasn’t until I arrived that they realized I was a drag queen!   Unfortunately, they weren’t interested in gender-bending.

I haven’t seen David in a long time, but he’s been sweet ever since I met him decades ago in the East Village.  I snapped this photo of him at a party circa 1987.


Peering behind David's shoulder is fashion designer John Badum (R.I.P.).

According to the Times, David is now concentrating on his career as a gallery artist.

I wish you all the best in your artistic pursuits, David!  Thank you for helping kick off my career as a supermodel!

Drum roll please!  In exactly two weeks, it’s the debut of my new play! 

It’s been a whirlwind creative process—It was only back in March when I was offered the chance to mount something.  But having a writing deadline has been fabulous discipline!  (Although my blog has suffered.)

And what has my diligent labor produced?   The Emperor’s New Codpiece, based on you know what!

If I may say so, it’s really good!

Who’s the star?  Why, me, of course!




Online ticketing.

Box office:  212-352-3101

Been away from my blog!

When I heard about the Rapture coming, I thought what’s the use of blogging?  Also, I stopped bathing and brushing my teeth.

But now that Earth ain’t ending quite yet, I’m back to being productive—and smelling good!

Do you like my “End is Near” image?  It’s the invite for my 1999 play, The Final Episode.



And speaking of plays… I’ve got a new one that starts June 10th!!!!!   Starting tomorrow I’ll be blogging about it like mad!

Ah, it’s great to be back in the land of the living!


(Invite photo by Richard Mitchell a.k.a Dick Mitchell)

Yay,  I’m in an upcoming variety show—”Glamour Ball!”

The format features a combo of burlesque stars and drag queens.

While I’m sure everyone would love to see me strip—ahem—I’m going to stick to comedy.

“May 20th kicks off the 1st Annual  Glamour Ball, an evening of lips, tits & lashes, hosted By Murray Hill & Bianca Del Rio and featuring the crème de la crème of New York City’s burlesque & drag queens packed into Le Poisson Rouge for one glittery showcase of the nations most talented divas!”